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To Mama T.O, Mama Linda, KMHO team and all our Sponsors. Greetings from St. James’ Seminary.

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It gives me an immense joy and a profound gratefulness to express my heartfelt word of gratitude to you all for your abundant generosity in financially supporting major seminarians in our Catholic Diocese of Moshi.

Words are fleeting, and I want you to know that a simple “thank you” doesn’t do justice to how deeply I appreciate your generous support. Your selfless nature is very much evident as a result of your thoughtfulness in sponsoring our seminarians. Thank You Very Much.

The Vatican Council II on its decree on the Training of Priests, solemnly affirms this noble work you are doing for our seminarians; It assert that, “The work of fostering vocations should be done generously. It should cross the boundaries of individual dioceses, countries, religious congregations and rites and, with the needs of the universal Church in view, should assist especially those areas for which workers are required with special urgency for the Lord’s vineyard” Optatam Totius no. 2. This is exactly what you are and what you are doing for us and for the Church of God. My appreciation for your wholehearted commitment goes beyond what words can describe, thank you! I feel humbled by your altruism and generosity.

I end here while acknowledging my sincere gratitude to you with these words of Albert: “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”  (Albert Pike).


May Almighty God Bless us all

Fr. August Ndepatanisho

Vocation Director

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